David L. Brown, M.D., FACHE spent his career in academic and clinical medicine in some of the finest academic health systems in the United States. He grew his own career in both operating room anesthesia and pain medicine, while nurturing and growing the careers of the physicians who were members of the departments he led. His love of mentoring physicians and other healthcare leaders, and then opening doors for their continued professional development, is what brought him the most joy. His leadership reach ranged from his home institution to leading national organizations of organized medicine.
David L. Brown, M.D., FACHE (R)
Dave spent his years caring for patients, authoring textbooks on regional anesthesia and pain medicine, editing journals, learning a lot about pancreatic cancer and leading and developing departments across the country
Anesthesiology Institute Chair
From 2008 until 2015 Dave led a group of almost 1000 individuals excelling in clinical care, education and research. The six departments within the institute had nearly 300 faculty physicians, and 150 residents and fellows. His Outcomes Research team was, and is a unique resource.
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - Chair
Between 2004 and 2008, Dave grew faculty numbers and launched a basic science pain medicine research program within the department. The team grew a unique faculty evaluation program that created professional growth metrics for each of the faculty to guide their success.
Department of Anesthesia - Chair
In moving to Iowa City in 1997, Dave built upon a rich history of one of the oldest academic departments in the country. He grew the faculty across the operating rooms, the surgical intensive care unit and the hyperbaric medicine program. He also developed one of the finest clinical and research pain medicine programs in the country.
Department of Anesthesiology
After leaving Seattle in 1990, Dave joined Mayo and split his time between orthopedic anesthesia and pain medicine, clinically. He also did research on pancreatic cancer pain control and led the clinic's overall quality information program.
Department of Anesthesiology - Chair
After completing his USAF obligation in San Antonio in 1985, Dave joined this team and in 3 years was chair and on the board of governors. He became involved in ASRA and regional anesthesia research, while growing faculty numbers.
In addition to Dave's clinical and academic leadership in his home institutions, he also was involved widely in national organized medicine leadership groups. This connected him to leaders across specialties and institutions. Additionally, his institutional experience crossed into medical school admissions committees, academic promotions committees, and of course, all the experience he gained from hiring hundreds of physicians and researchers for faculty roles and accepting hundreds of residents and fellows into specialty training programs.
David L. Brown, M.D., FACHE (R)
Dr. Brown spent most of his career engaged in national leadership roles, in part to make more opportunities available to the faculty and residents and fellows on his teams.
American Board of Anesthesiology
Dave spent almost 30 years as an oral board examiner and 12 years as a board member of the ABA, as well as being president in 2014.
Accrediation Council for Graduate Medical Education
The ACGME was involved in Dave's career for almost 20 years. He chaired the RRC for anesthesiology, the unified cross-specialty pain medicine fellowship, as well as serving on the ACMGE board and its executive committee.
American Society of Regional Anesthesia
Dave began presenting at ASRA meetings, serving on its board, being president of the group, a Labat Awardee and Editor-in-Chief of the society's journal - RAPM.
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
For more than a decade Dave was a member of FAER board and served as the board chair prior to his clinical retirement.
Association of University Anesthesiologists
This invitation group is one of the richest collection of individuals in academic medicine. Dave enjoyed his association and served as president.
Atlas of Regional Anesthesia Author
Dave developed his Atlas during his years in Seattle and it has gone through five editions, won the coveted Anesthesia Foundation book award and helped countless physicians succeed at regional anesthesia.
Loyola University of Chicago
After leaving the Cleveland Clinic, Dave completed advanced graduated studies in bioethics and health policy through the Neiswanger Institute at Loyola.